And this leads us to one final thought on leadership that I try to practice each day, and would recommend for you as well. Before I get out of the car at the office, I remind myself...
“We were all made for “more.”

So start your day by reminding yourself that God is a God of “more.”
In His Kingdom is more love, more grace, more fulfillment, more joy, more significance, more acceptance, more valuing of strengths and utilization of differences. Before you walk in the door at work, pray for more humility as a steward of one small part of God’s great Kingdom, and more patience and wisdom to see the “high value” of each person He has graciously, purposefully given you to lead or influence.
C.S. Lewis was right in saying, “ There is no neutral ground in the universe: every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter claimed by Satan.”
May we claim His Kingdom, not our own, as we lead in our area of service, each and every day.
Would you commit to pray for more patience, wisdom and humility as you look for the "high value" of each person God has placed along your path?
Thank you for joining us for this 3-part series. Be sure to come back on Friday for our "Family Friday" video tidbit where Dr. Trent will answer life's common relationship questions each week.
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