If the first key in leadership is looking up to Heaven in humility, (instead of looking down on those under us), there’s a second related key as well.
Namely, not only has Almighty God “placed” us in our place of leadership -- He actively, purposely “places” those around us as well!

For many of us, it’s the people we work with or try to lead (particularly if we’re focused on “our kingdom”) who are the problem. And unfortunately (and unwisely) that often means, “I’m sick and tired of the people I work with who are so different from me!” Like that detail person who always seems to shoot down our ideas in a staff meeting. Or the dreamer who can’t seem to stay focused on the task. Or the leader who steps into other areas outside her own to “coach” people that don’t report to her. Or the sensitive person who says “Yes” to every assignment, even when they’re hopelessly buried in projects and know they can’t get that task done.
“Why isn’t everyone like me!” we can lament – and yet when we do, we are erasing a key reason God put “different” people in our life!

Rodney Cox, President of Ministry Insights (www.ministryinsights.com) and the online designer of The Leading From Your Strengths Online report, goes all over the country and world, sharing a very simple message.
“God gives us our strengths… but He delights in our differences.”
That is so true and so biblical! “Irreconcilable differences” can actually be grounds for a great ministry team, friendship, or family relationship! You see this clearly in 1 Corinthians 12 where we’re told, “For the body is not one member, but many. Yet it’s important to know that it’s God Himself who distributes gifts and talents, for to continue Paul’s thought, “But God has placed the members each one of them in the body, just as He desires.” (1 Cor. 12:18). In other words, it is Almighty God Himself who has placed us with those in our ministry or family – as Rodney says, “To complete us not defeat us!” To protect us, not lead us to frustration.
When we realize that our place of ministry is not our “Kingdom” to rule, and that its “subjects” are there by God’s divine design (not to live out our will), it can change our attitude and actions as a leader. For example, instead of demanding that every problem in our ministry be solved in an “aggressive” way, (because we’re an “aggressive” problem solver), we start realizing that Almighty God “placed” that “reflective” problem-solver on our team to protect us and help us make good decisions, not to stop us or frustrate us.
Have you had a chance to take inventory of the strengths exhibited in those you enjoy life with every day and to actively appreciate them and thank God for the roles that they play in your life?
Don't forget that part 3 is coming tomorrow too! Sign up to follow Dr. Trent's blog so you won't miss another valuable post.
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