7:00PM – Off to the StrongFamilies – Strong Airmen Conference!
9:00PM – Conference ends and something amazing happens! I’m one of the few civilians inducted into "The Order of the Blue Nose"!

4:00AM The sun rises over Thule (within three weeks, it will be up for 24 hours-a-day) and I get ready to head home to Arizona.
I finally make it back on Saturday, just in time to mow the yard in my shorts in the 85 degree weather…
Thank you again so much for your prayers and encouragement! It was a non-stop (little sleep) opportunity to be of whatever help I could be to honor the power of prayer, challenge some incredible leaders with thoughts on staying strong and focused, then get to “bless” a large group of people who want to go home from Greenland and have a StrongFamily!
If you’re ever near the StrongFamilies office, stop by and see the “coin” Col. Gentry and Captain Haltom gave me (it’s a big deal to get a “coin” from an officer – usually meaning you’ve done a pretty good job) and of course, my “induction” papers as a Knight of the Blue Nose!

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