Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sponsor John as he runs for StrongFamilies!

There are so many couples and families who need encouragement, hope and help! Join the Team that’s helping to sponsor Dr. John Trent as he runs the Rock & Roll Half Marathon on Sunday August 1st, in Chicago!

How do I sponsor Dr. Trent?

  1. Just pick an amount, ($1.00, $5.00, $25.00, $100 or more) that you’d like to pledge “per mile.” A half-marathon is 13.2 miles.
  2. Email Jeff Thibault (our Director of Operations and Training at StrongFamilies) at (That’s Jeff “t” for Thibault at with the amount you’d like to pledge and your mailing (snail mail) address. (That way we can send you a donation receipt after you send in a check or go online and donate your pledge online).
  3. We also have a special gift for all of our sponsors! A signed book from our online bookstore! Just visit and go to our bookstore and pick out the book you’d like. You'll find more details about how on the sponsorship page here as well.

How do I know how John did at the race?

It’s a pretty sure bet that John won’t win the race – but he is persistent and barring a huge piece of space debris falling on him or some other unlikely catastrophe, it’s likely he’ll finish the race! Whatever happens – you’ll know exactly how far (and how slow) he ran as Jeff Thibault will be sending you an email when John lands in Chicago to get ready for the race, then another email on that Sunday morning that gives you his start time, split time (the half-way point) and his finish time! All runners at the Rock & Roll get a “chip” that goes on your shoe. Jeff will actually get email updates sent to him as John passes each point in the race! Is technology amazing or what!

You can find more details about the race and how you can sponsor John by visiting the StrongFamilies Sponsor Page.

So please join us as we support and encourage healthy and StrongFamilies!

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