I’m all for putting up Christmas trees as we get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus (whether early or late) but I wanted you to see a different kind of tree as well. The other day in the StrongFamilies Sunday School class that my wife and I teach at Scottsdale Bible Church, I asked people to share one of their “Christmas traditions” with us. We heard some great things, but one tradition I’d never heard before and wanted to pass along to you.
Joel and Marcela Waggener have a very different kind of Christmas tree. In fact, it’s so cool – the Trent family decided that starting this year, we’re going to put up “Two Trees.”
Our “normal” tree is covered with lights and with all the Christmas ornaments we’ve collected over the years. Glass ornaments that say things like, “Our first year of Marriage 1979” and “Baby’s First Christmas 1986” and another with “1990.” There are two homemade ornaments that the kids made when they were young and fun ones like the stingray ornament from a vacation to the Cayman Islands years ago. But in addition to this tree, we’re going to get a small second tree as well. Why two trees??
In Joel and Marcela’s house, they have a tree (see picture) that has some very unusual decorations. In fact, on their tree they have a bagel, adoption papers, small maps, miniature construction trucks, a bar of soap, and a door! Here’s why…
Each of these items can be placed on the tree to remind us of our relationship and identity in Christ and to provide an opportunity to share the Good News with those who come into our home. For example, Marcela had a workman at the house the other day and when he saw the tree he said, “What kind of tree is that?” She shared with him about why they put bagels and maps and soap on the tree – and the workman got tears in his eyes! Here’s what she shared with him…
The Bagel - John 6:35 – is a picture of how Jesus is the Bread of Life
A 12” Ruler - 1 John 4:9-10 – is a picture of how God does not measure our performance, because HE was satisfied with Jesus’ dying for us on the Cross.
The American flag - Philippians 3:20 – We love our country, but our most important citizenship is in heaven.
A Bar of soap - 1 John 1:9 - Jesus forgives us and washes away all of our sins.
Some small Maps - John 14:6 - Jesus is the only Way
A Door – Revelation 3:20 – Behold I stand at the door and knock… anyone who opens the door, opens their heart to a relationship with Jesus!
Darlene believes the idea has been around for many many years...it was parents and grandparents ways of putting Christ back in Christmas in a very simple and inexpensive way...they used what they had in their home or items they could make out of paper or clay. (Their tree is shown too.)
All that to say, you might want to have “two trees” next Christmas! A great idea to share the “why” of Christmas along with the tradition and joy of Christmas!
Next Blog: Choose The 2 Degree Difference - instead of making a New Years Resolution...
...and GO FROGS! (TCU – where I graduated) is in the Fiesta Bowl January 4th!.
WOOOHOOO the Trents got their tree up! Doing the happy Snoopy dance (can you hear the music?) We LOVE the tree that Joel and Marcela do, too, and plan to incorporate that next year when we put the tree up. Thanks for a great post, Trents!