Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dear StrongFamilies Friends!

Don’t look at the date for the last blog posting! Actually, to save you from looking, the last post came after I ran the Rock & Roll Chicago back in August. That’s a little too infrequent, so look for more postings as we move into the holidays and into next year!

Speaking of the Holidays, here’s a Thanksgiving (or Christmas) idea that lets your kids (and their parents) actually write graffiti and it’s a good thing!

Tomorrow (or if want to save the idea until Christmas, anytime in the next several weeks) purchase a new (or if you have time, find a garage sale) light colored fabric tablecloth.

  • Place protective plastic or paper between the table and the tablecloth.
  • Arrange some permanent laundry markers around the table, but out of the reach of little hands until they can be supervised.
  • In the middle of the tablecloth, write Thanksgiving (or Christmas) 2009!
  • Before dinner, have everyone choose a marker and write about something they are thankful for this year! Children can draw a picture. You can also include a word of affirmation for someone at the table. “I am thankful for Darrick’s joyful spirit.” Or “Sarah has been a great help to mom in setting the table!” or “It’s awesome having Grandma and Grandpa here!” or “We’re glad the Smith family could join us for Thanksgiving!”
  • For a more “colorful” tablecloth, tell every at the beginning that after a few minutes, , “Everybody has to trade markers!” That way you’ll get more colors going.
  • You can also write the contributor's name and age next to their masterpiece.
  • Tuck the tablecloth away after Thanksgiving, and buy a new one every year.
  • Bring out cloths from past years to read together. It is fun to remember who was there on a given year, and the visible changes will move you. The writings of a departed grandparent as well as the childish scribbles of your grown offspring will be cherished, and don’t be surprised if the tablecloths become family heirlooms.
Have an awesome Thanksgiving from StrongFamilies.com!

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