Thursday, February 12, 2009

Welcome to John Trent's Blog on building StrongFamilies!

A blog devoted to building StrongFamilies? That's right! Welcome to this very first posting of what will be a frequent chance for me to share thoughts, stories, prayer requests, studies, and comments in general concerning all things marriage and family. As I write tonight, I'm thinking about my friend (now passed away) named, Dr. Jerry Falwell. From my hotel room, I can see Liberty University. Jerry built this University that began in 1971, and today, it's a sprawling campus in Lynchburg, VA, with thousands of college and graduate students (And a pretty good basketball team! Check out the league leading, Lady Flames!). I'm getting ready to speak at a Valentines Banquet tomorrow night (Friday night), at Travis Avenue Baptist Church (with Dr. Kevin Leman). Today, the church, like the University, is growing by leaps and bounds -- and it's new Pastor is... Jonathan Falwell. Jerry's oldest son. And that's what I wanted to post about. Several years ago (try fifteen!) I was asked by Dr. Falwell to come out and do a "marriage and family seminar" at his church. (Their first one). Guess who sat in the front row? Dr. Falwell. Guess who was sitting next to him? His wife and children -- including Jonathan. And afterwards, guess who got to go out to a local Subway with Jerry and his whole family for dinner? Me. Dr. Falwell was demonized in the press for years. On that night after the seminar, and in all the years I knew him after that, he was an incredibly warm and caring person -- and he was the real deal as a husband and father. With a crushing schedule, he took time for hiswife wife and kids. I saw him laugh with them, hug them, his eyes shine with pride as he introduced his wife and children to me. Jerry's gone now, but his legacy is going strong. I can see it as I look up at the lights shining in a huge new dorm. I know I'll see it when I shake Jonathan's hand tomorrow night. Not many of us are going to leave a University behind as a legacy -- but all of us who are parents have the opportunity to leave a loving legacy to our kids. Makes me think how much I miss Cindy and my girls back home. I'm going to call home... again. I'll let you know  how the seminars goes... 

1 comment:

  1. I went to the focus on marriage simucast in Albany, Oregon with my husband and we loved it I took 16 pages of notes. I enjoyend how you ended it. With making little changes and not overcompensating. The Story of how the mayor of NY changed NY by doing little things was encouraging to me. Our oldest daughter lives in NY and we think of her often. I know and pray other were touched by God's encouragement threw his many servants.
