Wow. What an amazing experience to have had the honor to be part of the Focus on the Family Marriage Simulcast. I should have known it would be a special time when I left Arizona and it was 84 degrees -- and landed in Denver and it snowed driving down to Colorado Springs! The day I landed, literally, while I was driving down to the Springs, Dr. Dobson was speaking at chapel for all the Focus employees -- and he and Shirley resigned from the Focus Board! That was this past Friday. I was supposed to go to a dinner with all the speakers, including Gary Smalley, Beth Moore, Gary Thomas, and Del Tackett (not to mention Jeremy Camp, the musician for the day) -- but I'm still battling a bad ear infection and went to bed at 8:00pm. (My wife Cindy was bummed I couldn't go and get Beth Moore's autograph! (<:) Saturday, I was the last speaker. I was charged with wrapping things up and with bringing the "high view of marriage" each speaker have given, down to the practical "how do I live it out at home" level. To do that, I walked out with a red balloon. I went through a short review of what each speaker had done, and how their message had "lifted up" our view of marriage -- Gary Thomas on how marriage should be more about holiness then happiness; Beth Moore with insights from Ephesians 5, Del Tackett with high thoughts from Genesis 2, and Gary Smalley, who challenged people to be sold out to Christ and consumed with prayer. All lofty ideals and all a great way to "lift up our eyes" to all marriage could be. With each speaker I mentioned, I let the balloon get higher and higher as I talked about each speaker. then I shared how my session would be about bringing "up there... down here." And I pulled the balloon down and started my talk. I hope it was helpful for folks to hear about The 2 Degree Difference. It was really fun to get to talk to the 900 folks in attendance, and to the 500+ churches across North America who were tuning in via simulcast. We need that "high view of marriage." And we also -- Cindy and me included -- need to bring all those "up there" ideas... "down here." Stay strong. Lord bless, and more later, JT