Friday, November 19, 2010

Family Fridays are Coming!

Beginning Friday, December 3rd and every Friday after that StrongFamilies will be celebrating “Family Fridays” by posting a video tidbit to enrich your marriage and family.

Do you wonder how you can build better relationships with the variety of personalities in your home?

Do you sometimes struggle with ways to show love to your spouse and kids?

If so, then tune in each week to Family Fridays. We’ll be posting these clips here on the StrongFamilies blog as well as sending them out on Twitter and Facebook.

We trust that you’ll find them valuable, so if you’d like to keep receiving these weekly communications, be sure to subscribe to the blog, follow us on Twitter or Like us on Facebook.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Speaking at AZ Women's LIFT Meeting!

Hey, this Friday, November 12th I'll be speaking at the Arizona LIFT (Leaders in Fellowship Together) meeting for Women's Ministry Leaders from all over Arizona!

If you live in Arizona and you're on the Women's Ministry team at your church, consider attending this free event. Or if you would like to encourage the women leaders on your church team, pass this along to them.

LIFT is a wonderful organization whose mission is to equip and encourage leaders in Women's Ministry.

Feel free to visit their website - for more information and to RSVP for the event. Plus you can find out more about the ministry in general.

It's my privilege to share with these women that do so much to serve their church body.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Praise Report for Cindy!

Last Saturday morning, at 6:30am, my wife, Cindy started walking up the Mountain Preserve with her good friend, Donna. Why would that be a reason for praise, you ask?

It was almost a year ago in December that Cindy fell on that same trail – launching us into the most difficult period of time in her health history, and the focus of so many of your prayers these last 11 months!

In short, Cindy started back to teaching two weeks ago and now she even started back up the mountain for the first time since the accident!

Thank you Lord! And thank you all for your prayers!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Parenting Seminar on Sunday in Tempe

On Sunday, November 7th I am looking forward to teaching a Parenting Seminar at Christ Life Church, Tempe, Arizona!

This is a church that wants to use "The Blessing" to equip parents to better love and encourage their kids.

Thank you for your prayers as I speak twice on Sunday morning, and then do a seminar on Sunday afternoon! If you're interested in more information, please visit the website or call the church today.

Encouraging parents in how to love their kids is always a blessing to me too!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Huge Meeting Tomorrow with Focus on the Family!

Friday, November 5th I will be in Colorado Springs on the beautiful Focus on the Family campus finalizing details for our partnering agreement with them.

Think about a meeting with the top book and DVD people, the publications executives, folks from broadcasting and radio programming, and on and on.

That’s who will be in the room to talk about how we move forward with our partnership to promote the message of "The Blessing" to a new generation of parents and families!

I fly in today and would appreciate prayers for wisdom and insight as we talk about everything from music that blesses others to seminars to radio programs to books and more!

For a ministry like ours, what an incredible gift this will be in helping us share our core message world-wide!

I hope to get photos of the actual "signing ceremony" just for fun.

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement!