I'll post in the future about how the meeting went -- but thank you so much for your prayers today!

August 31, 2010
We’re only a day away from our September prayer request email, but after months of all of you praying for us – today is the day!
I wish you could pull up a chair with us in the main boardroom at Focus on the Family (next to what used to be Dr. Dobson’s office). Today we have our major, and supposedly our final meeting with folks from StrongFamilies, The Institute for the Blessing, and Focus on the Family. After months of discussion – this is the “decision” meeting regarding all of us working together to take the message of The Blessing to a whole new generation of parents and people!
In the room will be a “who’s who” of FoF folks. If they decide to move forward after this meeting, the next thing would be for Dr. Wheeler and I to fly to New York City in September to launch the partnership with a national radio broadcast (in front of a huge live audience). But before that “launch” comes – comes this huge meeting and the decision to move forward together or not.
Tomorrow we present 11 areas where we could work with Focus to spread the message of The Blessing to others. (From working together on a “Blessing Institute Book line, to online classes on the Blessing, to seminars, to radio programs, to sharing music that “Blesses” others, to passing out a million “Blessing coins” and more.). I’ll send you a “What happened at the meeting!” update, along with a very busy September Prayer list on September 1st. But months of prayers these past months will end, and we pray, begin with tomorrow’s meeting here at Focus on the Family.
Here’s my prayer, “Lord, thank you that as we walk into that huge Boardroom tomorrow, we know You’re walking beside us – and that You’ve been there ahead of us as well. We know the word “life” means movement – and we ask for your guidance and favor as these ministries consider moving forward together to better share Your message. We ask if this strategic alliance could further Your Kingdom, then every door would open tomorrow. Lord, we know there are so many hurting families and individuals out there. And we know as well that Your concept of The Blessing jumps off the pages of Scripture and can bring love, hope and healing to men and women who need help so much. So Lord, we humbly ask that all our prayers and months of working toward this one meeting will end up with many thousands more “living the Blessing” in their homes, churches and communities, for Your glory and honor.
Amen and thank you for your prayers! JT
John Trent, Ph.D.
President, StrongFamilies.com
Founder, The Institute for the Blessing at Barclay College
Note: If you're not already on our prayer team and would like to be, please shoot us an email at friends@strongfamilies.com and we'll be happy to include you.