Sponsor Dr. John Trent as He Runs for StrongFamilies®! ...and get a signed book to help Strengthen Your Family!
There are so many couples and families who need encouragement, hope and help! Join the Team that’s helping to sponsor Dr. John Trent as he runs the Rock & Roll ½ Marathon on Sunday, June 6th in San Diego and/or again on Sunday August 1st, at the Rock & Roll 1/2 Chicago!
How do I sponsor Dr. Trent?
A half-marathon is 13.2 miles.
Just pick an amount, ($1.00, $5.00, $25.00, $100 or more) that you’d like to pledge “per mile.”
Email Jeff Thibault (our Director of Operations and Training at StrongFamilies) at jefft@strongfamiles.com (That’s Jeff “T” for Thibault at StrongFamilies.com) with the amount you’d like to pledge and your mailing (snail mail) address. (That way we can send you a donation receipt after you send in a check or go online and donate your pledge online). You'll receive one book per sponsor after your donation is received, and please let us know in your pledge email what one book you’ve picked.
You can find more information on the sponsor sheet here.
Two more ways you can help...
First, please print out or email the link to the Sponsor Sheet and hand/send it out to friends and relatives who want to help couples grow in their love for each other and the Lord, and who want to help parents build strong families and become the spiritual trainers in their home! The needs of families are great and your gift is tremendously helpful to us as we reach out to families across our country.
Second, are you already running the Rock & Roll ½ Marathon in either San Diego or Chicago?
If so, consider joining the StrongFamilies running team and get people to sponsor StrongFamilies on your behalf! Right now, our “team” is just John – but if you know someone who’s running or are running yourself and want to help out a great cause, email Jeff at JeffT@StrongFamilies.com!